Level-3 data
The PROBA-V Level 3 data products are so-called composites, which means that for a given lcoation the most optimal observation in terms of solar and observation configuration over a certain time period is selected. PROBA-V composites are generated at 1-day (S1), 5-day (S5), and 10-day (S10) temporal intervals. Below a short overview of the various synthesis data products is given, more details on the algorithms and compositing are documented in the PROBA-V PUM. The temporal coverage is 15 October 2013 - 30 June 2020, while spatially the global land surfaces between 56oS and 66-75oN (dependent on the season) are covered. Files are available in 10o x 10o tiles, see Figure 3 for the tiling grid definition.
Figure 3: PROBA-V tiling grid definition
1-day syntheses (S1)
- Available for TOA and TOC reflectances, as well as TOC NDVI
- Spatial resolution 100 m, 300 m and 1 km
5-day syntheses (S5)
- Available for TOA and TOC reflectances, as well as TOC NDVI
- Spatial resolution 100 m
10-day syntheses (S10)
- Available for TOC reflectance and TOC NDVI
- Spatial resolution 300 m and 1 km