Level-2A data (VGT-P segments)
VGT-P products comprise Top-of-Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance observations in the original segments over land. The data are adapted for scientific applications requiring highly accurate physical measurements and are corrected for system errors (error registration of the different channels, calibration of all detectors along the line-array detectors per spectral band, etc.) and are projected to Plate Carrée. The pixel Digital Number (DN) is the surface area’s apparent TOA-observed reflectance. The images cover all or part of a SPOT-VGT segment. Figure 1 shows an example of a VGT2 P segment.
Figure 1: VGT2 segment (B2 channel) of 25 January 2014 over East Africa and the Middle-East.
Product data access
The SPOT-VGT Level-2A data are available in the User Virtual Machine environment and are searchable using TerraCatalogue search. More information on the data access, file naming conventions, etc. can be found in the SPOT-VGT PUM, Section 7.1.