Level-1C data
The Level-1C Top-of-Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance data are downloaded from the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem. Level-1C is an ortho-image product, i.e., a map projection of the acquired image using a system Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to correct for ground geometric distortions. Radiometric observations are provided as reflectances, with all relevant parameters to transform them into radiances available. Level-1C data are resampled with a constant Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) of 10 m, 20 m, and 60 m, according to the native resolution of the different spectral bands, see the Sentinel-2/MSI instrument description.
The Level-1C data processing includes:
- geometric corrections
- sub-pixel multi-temporal registration between images
- resampling using a 90 m DEM (PlanetDEM 90)
- radiometric processing
- conversion to reflectance
- preview image generation and masks generation (defective pixels, clouds and land/water).
Level-1C data are provided as SENTINEL-SAFE files, which include image data in JPEG2000 format, quality indicators, auxiliary data, and metadata. Detailed information on the Level-1C data and processing is available at the ESA website.
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