Web Map Service (WMS)
The OpenGIS® Web Map Service Interface Standard (WMS) provides a simple HTTP interface. It allows for requesting geo-registered map images from one or more distributed geospatial databases. A WMS request specifies the geographic layer(s) and the area of interest. The response includes one or more geo-registered map images in formats such as JPEG or PNG. The interface also specifies transparency in the returned images, enabling the combination of layers from multiple servers.
VITO conforms to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) WMTS Implementation Standard (OGC 06-042). It is possible to access the WMS directly by using a simple web browser or desktop tools such as QGIS.
The VITO Sentinel WMS URL is:
Table 1 lists the available layers for use:
Table 1: Available Terrascope WMS layers.
Satellite/service | Layer Name | Description |
Sentinel-1 | CGS_S1_GRD_SIGMA0 | Terrascope Sentinel-1 GRD \(\sigma\)0, per overpass, 10 m resolution |
CGS_S1_COHERENCE | Terrascope Sentinel-1 Coherence data, per 6 days, 20 m resolution | |
Sentinel-2 | CGS_S2_FAPAR | Terrascope Sentinel-2 FAPAR, per overpass, 10 m resolution |
CGS_S2_FCOVER | Terrascope Sentinel-2 FCOVER, per overpass, 10 m resolution | |
CGS_S2_LAI | Terrascope Sentinel-2 LAI, per overpass, 10 m resolution | |
CGS_S2_NDVI | Terrascope Sentinel-2 NDVI, per overpass, 10 m resolution | |
CGS_S2_NIR | Terrascope Sentinel-2 false colour infrared, per overpass, 10 m resolution | |
CGS_S2_RADIOMETRY | Terrascope Sentinel-2 true colour, per overpass, 10 m resolution |