TerraCatalogue: Python client
TerraCatalogueClient is a Python client for the Terrascope EO catalogue. This client uses the catalogue’s OpenSearch service, making it easier to query and download EO data products in Python.
It is pre-installed in Terrascope Virtual Environment and Jupyter Notebooks. It can also be manually installed in a separate Python virtual environment or Conda.
The Terracatalogclient Python library supports the following features, among others:
- Search Collections and Products: Query available collections and products using the API.
- Download Data: Supports downloading data via HTTP(S).
- Terrascope Integration: Compatible with Terrascope Virtual Machines and Notebooks, eliminating the need for separate data downloads.
For comprehensive details on API endpoints, parameters, and usage examples, refer to the Terracatalogclient API documentation. The documentation provided a detailed overview on installation and usage.
Furthermore, it is recommended to explore the source code available on the VITOBelgium GitHub repository for additional insights and customization options.