TerraCatalogue: Product Download
The responses from both the OpenSearch API and the STAC API can be used for downloading the products in the TerraCatalogue. Authentication is required for the product download.
In OpenSearch, the product level search response includes the following links for most of our EO products:
- previews provide links to quicklooks.
- alternate provides a link to INSPIRE product metadata.
- related provides links to auxiliary data (e.g. sceneclassification, RAA, AOT, …)
- data provides links to the different files (bands) of the product.
In STAC, the following assets are often included in the item search:
- QUICKLOOK provide links to quicklooks.
- WMS provides a link to the WMS URL of the product.
- Inspire metadata provides a link to product metadata.
- BANDNAME provide links to the different BANDS (e.g. SCENECLASSIFICATION, RED, BLEU, B08, FAPAR, ….) of the product.
It is not necessary to download the products on the Terrascope platform. The data is locally available on the user VM’s and Notebooks.
The standard OpenSearch and STAC responses include HTTP download links.
When using the OpenSearch API, an application which is running on the Terrascope Platform (Mission Exploitation Platform, MEP), can access the products directly and request for direct access links instead of download URLs by using the “accessedFrom” parameter with the value “MEP”. e.g. .../catalogue/products?collection=urn:eop:VITO:TERRASCOPE_S2_TOC_V2&start=2020-01-01T00:00:00&end=2020-01-31T23:59:59&accessedFrom=MEP
This direct access feature will be implemented in the STAC API in the near future by using a vendor extension “Asset Href Modes” extension where an additional parameter (asset-href-mode) can be used to indicate the way to access the asset.
Different authentication methods are supported for product download. ::: {.callout-tip}
The Python client implements the authentication in user-friendly API.
In an interactive session, the user will be prompted with a login form upon downloading a product. For scripts or machine access, the Authorization
header can be used.
Authorization: Basic <credentials>
, where credentials is the Base64 encoding of<username>:<password>
.Authorization: Bearer <token>
, where token is a valid OIDC access token. The authentication documentation contains more information on how to obtain an access token.
GDAL support
With basic authentication, the products can also be accessed via the GDAL network based file system. For example reading a WorldCover product:
gdalinfo /vsicurl/https://${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD}@services.terrascope.be/download/WORLDCOVER/ESA_WORLDCOVER_10M_2020_V100/MAP/ESA_WorldCover_10m_2020_v100_N00E006_Map/ESA_WorldCover_10m_2020_v100_N00E006_Map.tif