Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)
The Terrascope Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) is a standard protocol for serving pre-rendered, georeferenced map tiles over the internet. VITO adheres to the OGC WMTS Implementation Standard (OGC 07-057r7). Accessing WMTS is possible via a web browser or desktop tools like QGIS.
The Terrascope WMTS URL is
The table below provides an overview of the available satellites and services and some of the layers. For a complete list of layer names, please refer to the
Satellite/service | Layer Name | Description |
Sentinel-1 | CGS_S1_GRD_SIGMA0 | Terrascope Sentinel-1 GRD \(\sigma\)0, per overpass, 10 m resolution |
CGS_S1_COHERENCE | Terrascope Sentinel-1 Coherence, per 6 days, 20 m resolution | |
Sentinel-2 | CGS_S2_FAPAR | Terrascope Sentinel-2 FAPAR, per overpass, 10 m resolution |
CGS_S2_FCOVER | Terrascope Sentinel-2 FCOVER, per overpass, 10 m resolution | |
CGS_S2_LAI | Terrascope Sentinel-2 LAI, per overpass, 10 m resolution | |
CGS_S2_NDVI | Terrascope Sentinel-2 NDVI, per overpass, 10 m resolution | |
CGS_S2_NIR | Terrascope Sentinel-2 false colour infrared, per overpass, 10 m resolution | |
CGS_S2_RADIOMETRY | Terrascope Sentinel-2 true colour, per overpass, 10 m resolution | |
Sentinel-3 | TERRASCOPE_S3A_SY_2_V1_RADIOMETRY_V1 | Terrascope Sentinel-3A, daily synthesis, 1 km resolution |
TERRASCOPE_S3B_SY_2_V1_RADIOMETRY_V1 | Terrascope Sentinel-3B, daily synthesis, 1 km resolution | |
TERRASCOPE_S3A_SY_2_V10_RADIOMETRY_V1 | Terrascope Sentinel-3A, 10-daily synthesis, 1 km resolution | |
TERRASCOPE_S3B_SY_2_V10_RADIOMETRY_V1 | Terrascope Sentinel-3B, 10-daily synthesis, 1 km resolution | |
TERRASCOPE_S3A_SY_2_V1_NDVI_V1 | Terrascope Sentinel-3A NDVI, daily synthesis, 1 km resolution | |
TERRASCOPE_S3B_SY_2_V1_NDVI_V1 | Terrascope Sentinel-3B NDVI, daily synthesis, 1 km resolution | |
Sentinel-5P | TERRASCOPE_S5P_L3_CO_TM_V2 | Terrascope Sentinel-5P, monthly CO product, 5600 m resolution |
TERRASCOPE_S5P_L3_NO2_TD_V2 | Terrascope Sentinel-5P, daily NO2 product, 5600 m resolution | |
TERRASCOPE_S5P_L3_CH4_TY_V2 | Terrascope Sentinel-5P, Yearly CH4 product, 5600 m resolution | |
Copernicus DEM | COP_DEM_GLO_90M_COG | Copernicus Digital Elevation Model, worldwide coverage, 90 m resolution |
COP_DEM_GLO_30M_COG | Copernicus Digital Elevation Model, worldwide coverage, 30 m resolution | |
Worldcover 2020 MAP | WORLDCOVER_2020_MAP | ESA WorldCover map of 2020, 3x3 degree tile, 10 m resolution |
PROBA-V | PROBAV_S1_TOC_1KM_COG_V2 | PROBA-V TOC, daily composite, 1 km resolution |
PROBAV_S1_TOC_NIR_333M_COG_V2 | PROBA-V TOC NIR , daily composite, 300 m resolution | |
PROBAV_S5_TOA_100M_COG_V2 | PROBA-V TOA, 5 day composite, 100 m resolution | |
PROBAV_L3_S10_TOC_333M_NDVI | PROBA-V NDVI layer, 10 day composite, 300 m resolution |
To request a single tile, use the following URL format:
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